New Home for Online Courses is now the home for the online courses of the US Lacrosse coaches and officials education programs. Rules tests, convention presentations and videos, and more specific coursework across a wider set of categories will be housed on the platform. The site is mobile responsive and accessible via the same username and password used for Learn more.
Learn to Play Clinics
The US Lacrosse education and training staff has developed, in response to requests from program leaders, a low-intensity clinic program for parents and rookie coaches. The Learn to Play clinic is a two- to three-hour on-field workshop, taught by local coaches, that provides basic exposure to those new to lacrosse. It is a great way to educate and engage parents while identifying possible new coaches.
Athlete Development Model
US Lacrosse is working to replace the triangular sport model of diminishing participation with a model that provides opportunity for all, for life. Aspects of the Lacrosse Athlete Development Model include small-sided competition and new resources for coaches and program leaders.
Age Segmentation Guidelines
Based on the recommendations of a recent task force populated by volunteer leaders throughout the nation, and the study of significant data regarding player physical and cognitive development, US Lacrosse has developed new age segmentation guidelines. These guidelines are designed to tighten the range of birth years within each age/grade grouping while still following school system cut-off dates. The goal is to further reduce injury risk. Look for these in February.
Age Verification
US Lacrosse is piloting a process to validate a child's age to ensure proper rostering and the best playing experience. Parents will be able to electronically submit documentation of their child's age, which will then be checked against the birthdate in our database. The documentation will not be stored in our system. This age verification will be permanently noted on the player's record and on future membership cards. Importantly, it will transfer to any other US Lacrosse group membership team on which your child plays. The verified birthdate also will be indicated on rosters pulled from our system for tournaments and other events. This will be a one-time process for each player.
Tournament Sanctioning
US Lacrosse reviewed and sanctioned five tournaments last year as part of a pilot program that will expand in 2016. Sanctioning will help tournament directors meet standards across several areas of operation to provide the best experience for players, coaches and families at tournaments. Learn more.
Group Marketing and Digital Printing Resource
US Lacrosse has engaged Prism Digital Communications and developed a one-stop shop for direct marketing resources for program leaders. Templates for a number of signs and other publications have been loaded, allowing you to customize content and order co-branded materials to distribute to your coaches, existing teams and prospective players. More publication templates will be available going forward. Get started today.
Chapter Network
US Lacrosse now features 68 chapters operating in 45 states. These chapters represent US Lacrosse's DNA in the field and provide a great resource for local lacrosse organizations.
US Lacrosse provides several grants and other resources to help start new lacrosse groups, distribute equipment and expand playing opportunities.
Please be sure to use the links above to learn more about these initiatives from US Lacrosse, and stay tuned for more developments in the year to come. As always, feel free to connect with your chapter or your regional manager with any questions you may have.